Land off main road Cannington

Cannington, Bridgwater, Somerset

Unconditional offers sought

7.65 acres approx


Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.


This is a residential development opportunity situated to the immediate east of the roundabout at Cannington where the A39 and Main Road meet. There are good transport links to Bridgwater and the M5 and the national motorway network beyond. 

Cannington is located 6 miles south of Hinkley Point, where EDF are constructing a new power station that will create significant new local employment opportunities.  The site is currently used for agricultural grazing and is sited on the southern edge of the village.  The northern boundary lies adjacent to residential dwellings located along Southbrook and Lonsdale Road and the eastern boundary abuts agricultural land.  The southern boundary lies adjacent to Cannington Grange and the western boundary abuts Main Road. The land is broadly level and is set across a large enclosure that is bound by hedgerows.


Application reference: 13/18/00040

Planning status: Outline Planning Permission

Planning authority: Sedgemoor District Council

Application details:

Outline planning permission was approved on the 12th August 2019 for: “Outline application with some matters reserved, for the erection of up to 73 dwellings (including 30% affordable) and the formation of access.”  All matters are reserved except for means of access to the development.  The planning permission is governed by a Section 106 Agreement.  The Agreement will provide for the 30% affordable housing, a LEAP and Public Open Space.

The vendors have paid the monitoring costs detailed within the Section 106 Agreement.  The approved site plan that accompanied the planning application details a new access point off the existing roundabout and green infrastructure including provision of a LEAP and swale, and new structural landscaping.