Scott House

Furbarn Road, Norden, Rochdale, Lancashire

Offers invited by 18/12/2019

Under Offer
6.05 acres


Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.


The property is a vacant NHS facility. The site itself includes the main Scott House building, which dates from the early 20th century, with various smaller incidental buildings. Scott House is now vacant and was previously occupied as a children’s home split across three floors comprising bedrooms plus ancillary space. To the rear of the house is open space, which covers the majority of the site which slopes gently to the south.

The Site is located on the western edge of the Rochdale urban area on Furbarn Road, accessed via Clay Lane within the jurisdiction of Rochdale Borough Council. The area surrounding the Site is mixed in nature with some housing along Clay Lane and Furbarn Road.


Application reference: N/A

Planning status: No Application

Planning authority: Rochdale Borough Council

Application details:

Redevelopment will be subject to the necessary planning consents.

Land Registry Title

The official Land Registry map which shows the title boundary of each property as it is represented and registered with Land Registry.

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