Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.
The site is an irregular rectangular shape comprising 0.47 acres. The site comprises a flat surfaced car park with trees to
the east and southern boundaries. The site is flat, tarmacked and used for parking with no existing structures on the site. Imberhorne Lane
borders the western boundary of the site with residential dwellings and allotments to the south/south-east and more residential areas
bordering the north.
Application reference: SHLAA ID 510
Planning status: Allocation
Planning authority: Mid Sussex District Council
Application details:
The site is allocated for residential development in the East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan 2016 for 18 units. It is, however, anticipated that the site may be suitable for a number of units in excess of this number. All interested parties are to carry out there own due diligence.
Land Registry Title
The official Land Registry map which shows the title boundary of each property as it is represented and registered with Land Registry.
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