Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.
The site extends to 3.3 hectares. The site’s northern boundary is formed by Halesworth Road and a mature tree belt. The eastern boundary is formed by a footpath with residential dwellings accessed off Lakeside Park Drive beyond. The southern boundary is formed by the School’s amenity land. The western boundary is formed by the Saint George’s Square development and Saint George’s Lane highway. Vehicular access to the site will be provided from a new access point off Halesworth Road and also from Saint George’s Lane.
The Design and Access Statement’s land use
plan shows the net developable area extends to
approximately 2.47 hectares. The
development of 69 dwellings on the site would
equate to an average density of about 11
dwellings per net developable acre.
Application reference: DC/15/3288/OUT
Planning status: Outline Planning Permission
Planning authority: East Suffolk Council
Application details:
The site benefits from outline planning permission granted by Waveney District Council (now East Suffolk District Council) on 5 February 2019. The Vendor is Saint Felix School. The site is a former playing pitch and benefits from planning permission for residential development, public open space and associated infrastructure to enable improvements to the School. The planning application form and proposed masterplan indicated the site is suitable for 69 dwellings, however the Decision Notice does not prescribe an upper limit of dwelling numbers. The layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the development are all reserved matters pursuant to condition 1 of the Decision Notice.
The Section 106 Agreement dated 30 January 2019 places a number of planning obligations on the site in relation to its development. The planning obligations include:
- Affordable Housing (35% of the total number of dwellings)
- On site open space provision
- Highways and Public Transport Contribution
- Sport and Recreation Facilities
- Replacement playing/sports pitch
- New Sports Changing Facilities
- Community Use
- Access to green spaces
- Provision of Accessible Natural Green Spaces
- New Footpath Access Network
- Signposting and interpretation
- Management of the Path Margins and Gorse
- Habitat Mitigation (Natura 2000) Contribution
The Section 106 Agreement contains several
obligations that need to be satisfied on the
Vendor’s retained land. The Replacement
Playing Pitches, New Sports Changing Facilities
and Signposting needs to be provided prior to
commencement of the development. The
Accessible Natural Green Spaces, New
Footpath Access Network and the strategy for
maintaining the Path Margins and Gorse Areas
needs to be provided prior to occupation of the