Land at 156 Bridgewater Road

Monkton Heathfield, Taunton, Somerset


2.02 Acres
Offer deadline:


Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.


The land comprises a parcel of broadly level commercial land, currently used as a yard and for storage. The site is bound by a tree planted bund around the perimeter. The site has a number of single storey storage buildings. The land is accessed via an existing splay off the main Bridgewater Road. The land is bordered by new build dwellings to the north and east. To the south a recently constructed 420 place primary school and nursery and to the west existing dwelling houses. 


Planning authority: Somerset West and Taunton

Decision date: 12/03/2009

Application details:

The site is situated within the planning jurisdiction of Somerset West and Taunton Council. The land was originally allocated within the Taunton Deane Local Plan T9 which is now incorporated intp the Core Strategy Policy SS1 and Outline planning permission was granted on appeal for ‘the construction of 900 dwellings, employment development (B1 and B8 uses), a primary school, a local centre, open space and playing pitches, and associated infrastructure (reference 48/2005/072, dated 30 November 2005).’

The outline planning permission was granted on 12th March 2009 and was subject to a 10 year expiry date which has expired and the 900 dwellings have been developed within the wider site.