One Cricklewood Lane

Cricklewood, London

Offers in excess £26 million

0.91 acres


Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.


The property currently comprises a 3-storey mixed-use building fronting Cricklewood Lane, arranged as retail units (No. 1-13) at ground floor level and residential to the floors above. A 3-storey office block (Britannia House), is located to the rear of the site, providing a GP Surgery at ground floor and office accommodation over 1st and 2nd floors. The existing accommodation extends to approximately 58,000 sq ft (5,388 sq m).


Application reference: 18/6353/ FUL

Planning status: Detailed Planning Permission

Planning authority: Barnet Council

Application details:

A resolution to grant planning permission (Ref: 18/6353/ FUL) was obtained on 19th October 2019 for the ‘demolition of existing buildings and erection of three blocks ranging from 6-9 storeys with flexible retail (Class A1-A4 & D1) at ground and basement level and 145 residential units (Class C3) on upper floors, with associated parking, servicing arrangements, amenity space, public realm improvements and all necessary ancillary and enabling works.’

The residential-led scheme comprises the erection of three newly constructed blocks ranging from 6 to 9 storeys. The scheme will extend to a total GIA of 185,849 sq ft (17,266 sq m) providing 131,126 sq ft (12,182 sq m) of residential accommodation, 22,766 sq ft (2,115 sq m) of commercial space and 31,958 sq ft (2,969 sq m) of ancillary & car parking.