Former Hornsey Police Station

Tottenham Lane, Hornsey, London

0.21 Hectares; 0.52 Acres; 1,184 sq m GIA


Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.


The property comprises a former police station building ranging from one to three storeys in height.

The principal police station building is three storeys in height and is constructed from red brick with large vertical window openings with the main entrance fronting onto Tottenham Lane/Church Lane. The principal building is flanked by one storey elements on each side. To the rear of the northern side of the building there is a linear one storey perpendicular flank which stretches towards the centre of the site. A single story later extension also adjoins the principal building on the northern elevation of the building facing the car park.

The flank of the three storey principal police station building runs along Harold Road continued by a long two storey elevation with a low brick wall and a secondary entrance to the building.

A small portion of the site boundary faces on to Glebe Road at the rear of the site. This area is enclosed by a red brick wall, which appears to be of later construction, and contains no active frontage. The northern boundary of the Glebe Road side of the site contains a one storey ancillary building.

The majority of the open space on the site comprises a hardstanding yard with car parking. There is vehicular access to the site from the western end of the Harold Road frontage.


Planning authority: Haringey Council

Application details:

The property is located within the Hillfield Conservation Area, with the police station building identified as making a positive contribution to the Conservation Area. The property is Locally Listed but is not listed by the Secretary of State. The nature of occupation demonstrates a lawful use falling within Sui Generis of the Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended).