Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.
The property has planning consent for the demolition of the existing building and erection of an 18 storey building, comprising 490 student bedrooms and associated facilities, office accommodation and retail accommodation (use A1/A3). Soft strip out / demolition has commenced and confirmation has been given that the internal works undertaken to date form a material start and therefore the planning consent is believed to be extant. Revised proposals have been discussed with the local authority via a pre-planning application, which were based on the inclusion of a 120 bedroom hotel, in replacement of some of the originally proposed student accommodation. Further information is available on request from Holder Mathias and Savills in respect of planning opportunities. Such is the location and scale of the building, that it offers an enviable opportunity for a high quality mixed use redevelopment scheme, with the opportunity to create a landmark building within the City.
Further inquiries :
Tim Simmons 07511 050 889
Alastair McLeod 07818 510 048
Application reference: 15/01622/FUL.
Planning authority: Plymouth City Council
Application details:
The property currently comprises an existing office and retail building arranged over five storeys, measuring circa 35,000 sq ft. Building plans as existing are available on request. The property was granted planning permission in April 2016 for the demolition of the existing building and erection of an 18 storey tower comprising 490 student bedrooms and associated facilities, 22,065 sq ft of office accommodation and 8,535 sq ft of retail accommodation (use A1/A3) under planning ref no. 15/01622/FUL. Demolition works have commenced and the consent is extant. As part of the 2016 consent, a Section 106 agreement provides an obligation to pay £217,589 as an infrastructure contribution. The owner shall pay 50% (£108,785) on commencement of construction works and the other 50% on occupation of first student unit. It was confirmed that the consented development was exempt from paying CIL. The scheme was designed by Holder Mathias architects with Savills as planning consultants. Full plans for the proposed scheme are available from the agents on request.