Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.
- The subject land is situated on the edge of Bracknell, a large town in the western part of greater London. It is approximately 2 miles south east of the town centre and 31 miles west of London. The land is located just off Bagshot road, surrounded by a housing development and a Sainsburys supermarket with a David Lloyds leisure club nearby.
Application reference: 622032
Planning status: Outline Planning Permission
Decision date: 02/09/1996
Application details:
Reserved matter - Submission of details of siting, design, external appearance and means of access for 191 dwellings and two electricity sub-stations pursuant to outline 619733. No front enclosures, no garage conversion no PD certain plots for Attebrouche Court.
Land Registry Title
The official Land Registry map which shows the title boundary of each property as it is represented and registered with Land Registry.
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