Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.
The site is regular in shape extending to about 3 acres (c1.22ha) comprising a Grade II Listed Maltings of about 5,000sqft in size with another circa 5,300sqft open sided agricultural shed and associated hardstanding situated immediately behind the Malt House. The built area, including hardstanding, extends to about 0.5 acres with the remainder of the site is laid down to mature grassland and scrubland.
Application reference: 19/02129/ELD
Planning status: Outline Planning Permission
Planning authority: Braintree District Council
Application details:
The site is situated within the Braintree District
Council Local Authority area and benefits from a
Lawful Development Certificate (Ref 19/02129/ELD)
for implemented planning permission and Listed
Building Consent for “Re-use and renovation of
existing maltings and agricultural buildings for use as
offices and workshop” (REF: 06/01471/COU &
Land Registry Title
The official Land Registry map which shows the title boundary of each property as it is represented and registered with Land Registry.
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