Wheatley Campus

Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley, Oxfordshire

Offers invited

53 acres


Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.


Wheatley Campus accommodates a mixed range of buildings principally used for teaching, administration, student accommodation and other ancillary purposes.

The majority of the buildings are concentrated within the eastern half of the site. A substantial area of the campus to the western and southern sides are laid to grass and provide sporting pitches/facilities and general landscaping.

The existing principal access into the site is from Waterperry Road to the east. There is a secondary gated access point to the west. 


Application reference: P17/S4254/O

Planning status: Planning Application Submitted

Planning authority: South Oxfordshire District Council

Application details:

The Council is developing a new Local Plan which will cover the period up to 2033.

Within the Plan, draft Policy STRAT 10 – ‘Land at Wheatley Campus, Oxford Brookes University’ refers specifically to the site and confirms that it is a proposed strategic allocation for housing. The draft policy sets out that the site will be developed to deliver at least 300 new homes.

Following lengthy pre‑application consultation with the Council and other stakeholders, an application has been submitted which seeks outline approval for up to 500 dwellings with all matters reserved other than access. 

Land Registry Title

The official Land Registry map which shows the title boundary of each property as it is represented and registered with Land Registry.

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