Rhodes Park

Sellindge, Kent

Expressions of interest

Mixed Use
47 acres


Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.


The site extends in total to approx. 19 hectares. It is accessed directly off the A20 Main Road at Sellindge and is currently in arable use. It is of irregular shape and the area is gently undulating. The site provides open views over countryside and farmland to the North East. There are existing residential dwellings to the North West which currently represents the main built up area of Sellindge with the M20 and high-speed rail link to the South.


Application reference: Y16/1122/SH

Planning status: Outline Planning Permission

Application details:

Folkestone & Hythe District Council has granted outline planning consent under application Y16/1122/SH dated 15th of January 2019 for the erection of up to 162 residential dwellings of which 49 units shall be affordable housing, and 13 self build units. In addition consent has been granted for some 929 square meters of B1 use.

Land Registry Title

The official Land Registry map which shows the title boundary of each property as it is represented and registered with Land Registry.

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