Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.
Residential development opportunity with approved planning permission to build seven flats. The site exists as nine flats with approximately five car parking spaces. A planning enforcement notice requires the demolition of the existing building.
Well located in the residential suburb Waddon, Croydon – only 0.5 miles from Croydon Town Centre.
Application reference: 22/00013/FUL
Planning status: Outline Planning Permission
Planning authority: London Borough of Croydon
Decision date: 10/07/2023
Application details:
Part retention, alterations and remodelling of building, including
partial demolition, 2 storey side/rear extension, 2/3 storey front extension, infill extensions and an additional storey to form a part 4 storey and part 2 storey building
to provide 7 residential units and associated hard and soft landscaping and outdoor amenity spaces.