Tesco Exe Vale

Russell Way, Exeter, Devon

Conditional or unconditional offers invited

Mixed Use
Under Offer
Up to 4.2 acres


Please note: Locations and addresses are approximate and may not be as accurate as expected.


A potential development site for various opportunities such as retail, commercial, residential or a care home, subject to the requisite planning consents. 

The northern part of the site, a former car park, extends to approximately 1.79 acres and has outline planning permission for development of a bulky goods non-food retail unit. 

The southern part of the site extends to approximately 2.41 acres and is a high profile site considering it is adjacent to one of the main arterial routes into the City Centre from the M5.

The property is available as a whole or the northern and southern parts can be purchased separately.  Bids are to be received by or on the 19th July, 2019. 


Application reference: This property has multiple planning applications.

Planning authority: Exeter City Council

Application details:

17/1871/FUL: A detailed planning application for “construction of part 2, part 3 and part 4 storey building comprising an extra care (Class C2) development with associated communal lounges, restaurant, kitchen, wellness room, guest suite, laundries, care providers accommodation and office, vehicular access from Russell Way, sub-station, car parking and landscaped grounds” on the southern part of the site, was refused by Exeter City Council in August 2018.

17/1962/OUT: An outline planning application was submitted by Tesco for development of a non-food retail unit (Class A1), with associated deliveries yard, car parking and landscaping on the northern part of the site, was granted on 14th May 2019.

Land Registry Title

The official Land Registry map which shows the title boundary of each property as it is represented and registered with Land Registry.

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